
Curriculum Excellence

Our mission is to provide an innovative, safe and caring learning environment where
children leave us well prepared for life  as global citizens in an ever changing modern world

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Whitchurch Primary School

Curriculum Intent 

Our mission is to provide an innovative, safe and caring learning environment where children leave us well prepared for life as global citizens in an ever changing modern world. 

At Whitchurch,we believe our curriculum is provided within a safe, nurturing and stimulating learning environment which encourages pupils to grow and develop in an atmosphere of mutual respect and which embraces and fosters a close home – school partnership and seeks to maximise educational opportunities in the local area and community. 

In planning for our curriculum, we have placed utmost importance on the promotion of inclusion and diversity, striving to create an environment where everyone feels welcome and we celebrate difference in all aspects of human life and endeavour. At Whitchurch, we are committed to valuing diversity, challenging and tackling perceived discrimination, promoting equality and fostering positive relationships. We want our pupils to feel inspired by the contributions and accomplishments made by others within the school, the local community and wider world, and to nurture a strong sense of belonging within the school and the wider local community whilst developing their own ‘world view’. We recognise that this is significant in regard to our school community demographic.

As a school, we also believe that reading has to be at the very heart of our curriculum, as it permeates every aspect of learning. A reading culture is established whereby reading is championed, valued, respected, and encouraged, as it is of the utmost importance to a child’s personal, social, and academic success, as well as their general wellbeing. Creating a reading culture is not the responsibility of an individual. It takes dedication, perseverance, and effort from individuals: pupils, staff members, leaders and parents.

We encourage pupils to take active responsibility for their own learning, to aim high and to take pride in their own achievements. Every decision regarding our curriculum is based upon what we believe is in the best interests of the children whilst fulfilling our statutory obligation to deliver the National Curriculum in a stimulating, innovative and challenging way, taking into account research findings of cognitive science which have identified the importance of concepts, sequencing and spaced repetition, from early years onwards, in order to help our pupils retain learning into their long term memory.

It is also important to us that, through our ethos and curriculum, the children here feel safe, happy and secure, that they show respect for peers and adults alike and can develop the skills, knowledge, understanding and self confidence to aspire to achieve excellence in a wide range of learning contexts. 

The curriculum also intends to deliver opportunities for pupils to enjoy and treasure spontaneous moments, to reflect on issues beyond the material, to recognise and respond to those aspects of human experience which lead to spiritual development.

At Whitchurch we are unapologetic about finding new and better ways to deliver an outstanding learning experience. 

To achieve this, the aims for our curriculum are: 

  • Promote the highest standards of achievement for all pupils – EXCELLENCE 
  • Provide children with a diverse range of learning opportunities and experiences, such that children are resilient in the face of challenge and are confident enough to take risks – COURAGE
  • Promote pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development, preparing them for life as effective citizens and able to respond to the challenges of a rapidly changing modern world – RESPECT
  • Nurture talent so that children can be the best they can be 
  • Be uncompromising in our aspirations for our pupils to achieve individual success 
  • Give every child access to high quality learning opportunities based on a broad and balanced curriculum that develops the whole child, academically, physically, creatively, in thinking and problem solving skills and practical abilities. 
  • Encourage a positive attitudes and enjoyment of learning that, ultimately, leads to a commitment to lifelong learning

How our curriculum keeps us safe.

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