On entry into the school, each child is allocated into one of the 4 school House Teams.
If a child already has a sibling in school, both children will be allocated to the same house.
The House system is used primarily to organise the children into teams for intra-school competitions and Sports Days. There are also a number of other House activities – such as an art competition – which take place throughout the year.
Children earn individual House Lucky House Points for day to day work or behaviour.
Children who consistently demonstrate standards of work and behaviour that are constantly doing the right thing will receive a raffle ticket in their house colour which they will then place in a container (one for each house) in either upper school or lower school boxes in the classrooms. On Fridays, the tickets for each house will be drawn in celebration assembly. There will be 2 raffle ticket winner for each house (8 children in total) who will receive a non-uniform day the following week and a fast pass (y2 upwards) or visit to the Prize box.
The Parent Association sells House Tee Shirts in the colours of the 4 teams, which children can wear for PE lessons and for intra school competitions.
The 4 teams are: