Wraparound Care
Breakfast Club and After School Club
Wraparound Care
The school can provide care for your child from 7.30am to 6pm through our Breakfast Club (BC) and After School Club (ASC). (Please note there is no After School Club on Fridays.)
What is Breakfast Club?
Breakfast Club runs from 7.30am to the start of the school day (8.40am) Mondays to Fridays. The cost of the session including breakfast is £5.20 per child. Children are provided with a breakfast of toast and/or cereal with milk or fruit juice.
What is After School Club?
Our popular After School Club operates Monday to Thursday from 3.30pm to 6pm at a cost of £11.40 per child per session (each day counts as 1 session, so there are a maximum of 4 sessions per week). There are different activities every afternoon and the children are provided with a snack including fruit, a biscuit and toast.
Do I need to book in advance?
Spaces at Breakfast and After School Club are limited so it is advisable to book a scheduled place if your child will attend on a regular basis. Ad hoc places are also available dependent on scheduled numbers and must be requested in advance. Bookings are made via the school office.
Can homework be done at After School Club?
Yes, help and resources are available at the club to support homework activity.
Please speak to the After School Club leader about this.
How do I book wrap-around care?
For details on how to book wrap-around care, please see the After School Club and Breakfast Club Information Sheet in our Welcome Pack or see the attached information sheet for details on how to book wrap-around care.
How do I pay for wraparound care?
Pupil’s balances are updated weekly on ParentMail according to scheduled and/or ad hoc usage of ASC and BC, so you can use ParentMail to check your child’s account and make regular payments online. If online payments are not possible for you, cheques made payable to Whitchurch Primary School or cash are also acceptable ways to pay for ASC and BC and some parents use childcare voucher schemes through which payment for ASC and BC is made directly to our bank account.
Are there any activity clubs my child can join?
Every term we run a number of activity clubs both before and after school. Information and enrolment instructions for the various activity clubs are sent out each term.